Boudoir truly is for all shapes and sizes. I know people say that and if you struggle with loving your body you’re thinking, “Sure. I know I CAN do it, but why in the world would I WANT to?!” There are 5 things I really want you to know about having a boudoir experience with me
Lingerie is not what makes you beautiful.
During your consultation and book your experience, you will get a custom lingerie guide from me to talk you through some great idea of items to bring so we can flatter your shape and get a lot of variety in your photos. In that, I also include what we have here in the studio for you to use, as I know that this is ALWAYS a stressful component for most women and I am here to tell you…it doesn’t matter. Some of my favorite images of all time have been ladies in something that is not lingerie; including flannels, tshirts or even hoodies.
I am not a fashion photographer. What you wear is not my feature, my focus is YOU! YOU are what this is all about.
It would be really weird if you were NOT nervous.
Can I let you in on a secret? I AM NERVOUS TOO Before EVERY photo experience.... heck, even if we already know each other personally, or you've had a session already... Boudoir is not a "normal thing" so you should not feel normal about it. I think overcoming the nerves is one of the things that makes our session together so powerful. You will be a badass fear conqueror AND look super hot. Sound’s like a good day, right? When you come in, you get to start with hair and makeup which many ladies help in their ways to relax.... After that, we typically start with your least revealing outfit and then we work from there. There will be a moment of awkwarness at the beginning but soon... all of your fears will leave you and nerves will be gone.
You may have heard me say it before, but our standing joke here is that you're going to be nervous, but by the end of your session you may have your girls out and even ready for a second experience !
Cameras do not make people look bigger, but a bad photographer certainly can.
A client from a previous session shared that she was worried that the images would capture the (perceived) flaws in her body and make her MORE self-conscious. Heck... all personal here.. I suffer too from my own body issues and don't like my own photo .. and that is basically how I feel every time someone or myself takes my photo even when fully clothed so this is something I think most women feel. We are constantly told “the camera adds ten pounds” but a really let's kick that old saying to the curb... cuz it's not true.
This is my job. this is my career. I am here .. constanstaly learning on how to pose you... how to make you look your best .. but really, every body is different and everybody is different .. and the camera wont make you look bigger than you imagine .. in fact.. quite the opposite will happen
Absolute every body type can be flattered.
It is easy to look at the images I can publically share and think, “Well, of course THEY look good!” That’s fair, they are models and they do look incredible. However, I have had in my 12 years of boudoir literally soooo many sizes... wether that is cup size, waist size or even attitude.
I have had ladies that hated their tummies because of stretch marks after making awesome children. I have had ladies that dislike their thighs or tushies. Guess what? Once we start photographing .. they too turn into happy clients. I have spent a lot of time learning and practicing how to flatter a woman’s shape. I am not going to “photoshop” you. You are beautiful as you are and I am hell bent on showing you that. .
You are in control, but I will take the lead
One of the things I constantly hear is that "I dont know what to do ... " and that reassures me though, as We will work togther on this collaboration for your intimate portraits. ... and we will not do a single thing you are uncomfortable with.
In all reality ... I am ONLY HERE FOR YOU! I can’t share your photos. They do not go in my portfolio or on my Instagram account. The ONLY person I need to impress is you and so you are in total control. But, I am going to take care of you. I will help you pick out outfits if you brought several. I will pose every single inch of you from fingers to toes. I will give you a space to feel loved, seen, respected and comfortable ... Ask any of our past clients and most likely they will tell you that they have never felt more comfortable and had a great time.
I will direct you ... but You're in charge ... and heck I might even jump on the bed or roll on the floor just to demonstrate what pose I am asking for. The pressure is on ME, never you. All you have to do is show up!
In truth, I feel like there is so much more that I want to tell you about having your own boudoir experience, but really ... words are words... you've just got to experience it!
When you are ready ....